Launching Sessions of AILC
New Delhi, 8th of February 2020: At the invitation of like-minded practising lawyers a convention was called and ‘All India Lawyers’ council’ (AILC) is formed that held its launching programme at the India International Center, New Delhi .About hundred Advocates from fifteen states of the country participated in one day session electing a Central Committee and formulating the guidelines for the Aims and Objects of the Council.
The thrust was to create a role of practising Lawyers in such a way that they may help in registering FIR on actual facts, render timely help so that investigation may be concluded in a reasonable time and the prosecution may properly be held with all the credible evidence without any shade of fear among witnesses. The Council also decided to create a network among Lawyers throughout India to the grass-roots so that administration of the justice in the remote parts of Country may properly be strengthened and needy, poor, weaker and vulnerable people may timely be provided with legal help collectively by the Advocates forming a country wide platform under the nomenclature of ‘All India Lawyers Council’ (AILU)..

The launching session was inaugurated By Justice Ravindera Singh,senior Advocate at Supreme Court of India and a retired judge of Allahabad High Court and was also addressed by Mr. Sanjay Hegde,Senior Advocate, Supreme Court, Sharfuddin Ahmad, ,Allahabad High Court, .P.K. Ibrahim, Kerala High Court, Mr. Mohammad Yahya, Tamilnadu.and other prominent lawyers. In the open session a large number of participating Advocates from various states freely expressed their views on current affairs and the conspiracy afoot to weaken the Rule of Law and democracy in the country which is apprehended to be entrapped under un-Indian fabric following tenets of fascism and urgently needs more activism from every shade of professionals particularly from legal fraternity. It is stressed upon by every participant that there is urgent need for formation of common platform, hence the ‘All India Lawyers Council’ (AILC) is formed with unanimous decision of all participating Advocates attending this meeting.
At last of session, a Central Committee comprising of thirty one members was unanimously elected giving representation to the most of states of the country participating in the session.
The session of the Council also delegated the powers to the newly elected Central Committee to deliberate and finalise the aims and objects of the Council and to get registered with appropriate authority. In the concluding session the Council elected National Office Bearers of the Council for three years as follows.