All India Lawyer Council

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About Us

AILC is an autonomous, self-help and Pan India Organisation of lawyers. It has been registered in the year 2020 as NGO under the nomenclature of ‘All India Practising Lawyers Council’ in Delhi.

The Retired Judges, Former Bureaucrats, Ex Police Officers, Prominent Intellectuals, Academicians, Noted Social and Political Activists of India have also been subscribing and patronising. The main AIMS of AILC are as follows.

A. To facilitate the legal help at all the levels in the defence to the victimised and oppressed people of India beginning with investigation level..

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Tel: 01146068472,alllndiapractisinglawyers@gmail..l:atn

           Ref: -AIPLC/HQ/61                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Date: 14-07-2023

The Hon'ble Chairman

The Law Commission of India,

Lok nayak Bhawan, Khan Market, New Delhi

Sub: Humble representation on behalf of All India Practising Lawyers Council (AILC) in response to the notice dated 14th of June,2023 soliciting the views regarding the Uniform Civil Code (UCC).

Hon'ble Sir,

It is respectfully submitted that the issue of the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) is considered very sensitive being directly affecting the way of life of every citizen relating to matters of marriage, divorce, inheritance, death etc. as well as family ethos and traditions so the highest level of patience as well as the perseverance is required in dealing with the issue of Uniform Civil Code.

The AILC considering the issue of utmost importance, has resolved to file a representation containing the views on the Uniforms Civil Code (UCC) deliberating on the following grounds inter alia, amongst others;

(1) That it is strongly emphasized at onset that till a copy of the draft of the Uniform Civil Code is provided and circulated in public affording sufficient time in view of the vastness of the country and high stakes of different classes of the Indian citizenry and thereafter a thorough debate is allowed engaging the citizens of all the hue, no decision may conclusively be taken at the issue as the people of India still do not know the merits and demerits of Uniform Civil Code or the purpose and jurisdiction of Uniform Civil Code, so it is imperative to bring a draft to the public domain by the Union Government and then only the views may be solicited giving a proper and sufficient time before invoking any form of Uniform Civil Code in India. This process may remove the apprehension among the socially marginalized communities, the religious minorities, tribals etc. that the move is afoot to impose the majoritarianism sweeping aside the shared and democratic values of the country to thrust upon an artificial uniformity upon the country. It is incumbent to take proper care of the dissenting opinions of the states, keeping in view the federal structure of the country.
(2)That the draft of the Uniform Civil Code must be published and conspicuously displayed in various Indian languages affording at least a six months period to register the response. The Uniform Civil Code may not be made mandatory for any Indian and may be optional like the Special Marriage Act. The individual choice may be permitted to every citizen to choose or to discard. The minorities should not be compelled to follow the provisions of UCC till a member willingly opts to Uniform Civil Code in comparison of the respective family law of the person.
(3) That the UCC if enforced upon the Indian society, it may deliver more difficulties culminating into a havoc in the country so AILC sincerely pleads against the Idea of compulsory Uniform Civil Code in India and favors the continuation of personal laws for every segment of the society till a consensus is reached by open debate on the form of UCC. If the need is felt in the larger and public interests, the community leadership may be roped and convinced adopting an inclusive process of dialogue paving way to give the desirable affects after internal consultations among the various denominations.
(4) That feelers are noticed in public domain that the move of enforcement of Uniform Civil Code is politically motivated aimed at targeting the marginalized sections of the country and even may be confronted from mainly dominant groups of the society. For example, the Sanatani values of Hindus are meant to respect and consider the marriage as "sacrosanct" being eternal, permanent and holy, while marriage in the Abrahamic religions like Islam, Christianity and Judaism is only a social contract between husband and wife. So,6 the followers of these religions having divergent values cannot not come to terms to common understanding in view of scriptural teachings.
(5) That the legal system of Hindus is mainly regulated by two separate schools viz-a-viz Mitakshara and Daya Bagh. Both are distinct and have keenly been followed by adherents. There may be another point for the objection regarding the Hindu joint family as due to this system, the exemptions in the payments of the income tax are legally provided to members of the Hindu Undivided Family (HUF, so those who have been receiving pecuniary benefits, may not like to be deprived from the advantage on account of political decision to apply the Uniform Civil Code to all the Indians.
(6) That abrupt re-opening of the issue of Uniform Civil Code gives a feel to the idea that the exercise to the UCC is to divert the attention from the several burning and live issues, the country currently should concentrate to absolve and urgently resolve. The issue of UCC was wrapped up five years ago after considering the views of Indians in the year 2018. At that time the issue has thoroughly been considered by the 21st Law Commission of India lastly putting it at the abeyance by repeating the same findings of the Central Constitution Assembly of the year 1948 by not giving any recommendation to enforce Uniform Civil Code into Indian polity keeping in view of avoiding the consequences of the political adventure. So, the inference may be drawn that the issue of Uniform Civil Court has again been hurriedly notified before the country under political pressure and motives.
(7) That it is pertinent to mention here that one of the main architects of Brahminical social and political movement of India in the year 1972 had explicitly disfavored the implementation of the Uniform Civil Code in India in view of the vast diversities and differences in traditions as well as the rituals and customary laws. The senior leader of the BJP has also opined against the enforcement of Uniform Civil Code. BJP MP, Mr. Sushil Kumar Modi, the current Chairman, Parliamentary Standing Committee on Law has questioned the feasibility of the UCC pointing out the tribal areas including those in the North East since their customs, traditions and rituals are different from other communities and the Constitution also grants the irrevocable protection to their special rights. According to Mr. Vyalar Ravi, the former cabinet minister of India, the Indian society is deeply enriched as there are more than 200 personal laws being practiced into the country. In given facts, all groups of the people must provide proper opportunity to participate. For that prior consultation through an acceptable mechanism is required to seek the opinion so that dissatisfaction may not simmer in the long run, to avoid any injury to the "idea of India" that is always inclusive, federal and democratic never to be overruled by the whim of the uniformity, unfortunately felt in the current process due to the hurried notification. The adequate time and opportunity in view of short time of thirty days is not being provided to all the Indians which in any view, happens against the well settled principle of natural justice.
(8) That special provisions in the Constitution have been incorporated by the Scheduled 5 and the Scheduled 6, safeguarding the rights of the tribal areas and the people. There is also provision for the special rights for the people of the 11 States under Article 371 of the Constitution, so all these special provisions may not be allowed to be diluted.
(9) The Constitution of India further guarantees fundamental rights of equality and life to every citizen with right to faith and conscience. The special provision for the rights of religious minorities have also been enshrined into the Constitution of India as the fundamental rights. Every minority just a Muslim, Sikh, Buddhist, Christian, Jain or Parsi have got their deeply- rooted systems governed by personal laws and sanctioned by the Constitution of India. Different communities among tribal people are proud of their social systems practising for a long. Their people in majority can neither bear with the superimposing of UCC nor depart from their customs and traditions to follow the of Uniform Civil Code at the place of the rituals or social norms like other communities.
(10) That there have been smooth existence of the law simultaneously working in case of the civil marriage. If a Hindu performs marriage with the Hindu under the provisions of Special Marriage Act, the couple is still governed by the provisions of Hindu Personal Law so is the case with the Muslims, if his or her marriage under provisions of Special Marriage Act is registered, both being Muslims, their life is to be regulated under the provisions of Muslim Personal Law. So, the space of Special Marriage Act has created a precedent that the personal laws may coexist and may be permitted to be continuing in personal life of the followers. in accordance with their faith and beliefs.
(11) That only few ground realities mentioned in preceding paragraphs lead to believe that except political adventurism there is no other reason to re-open the issue of Uniform Civil Code in a hurry keeping in view the findings of the 21st Law Commission that had five years ago concluded that Uniform Civil Code is neither necessary nor desirable, so the 22nd Law Commission also expected to stick to the decision, taking back the notice of June 14th, 2023 after application of fair mind and genuinely weighting the merits and demerits of Uniform Civil Code. So, the ideas of application of UCC are liable to be dropped in the wider and overall interests of the country.
(12) That the hurried process may be considered totally against the principle of natural justice amounting to tampering with divergent and deep values of family's laws fully workable in respective faiths, beliefs, race and region. Alternatively, it may be considered in the long run that the social groups or religious· denominations, the majority out of them if specifically concur to any draft of Uniform Civil Code prepared by the Union Government, may be covered under provisions of proposed UCC by the union of India. The remaining denominations may be given an option either to follow Uniform Civil Code or the respective family laws so that nobody in the country feels frustrated and there may happen no issue for any change in their way of family life against free will.

It is also submitted that the gender equality, inheritance etc. are some issues beyond the above discussions urgently required to take not the dwelling at the Uniform Civil Code in a hurry and without cultivating an atmosphere of consensus.

It is also submitted that apart from the gender equality and inheritance, the menace of dower and drugs may urgently be addressed by initiating a countrywide campaign as a government program involving the public at large.

All India Practising Lawyers Council (AILC) in view of the above discussions, herewith partially responds demanding to revoke the notice dt. June 14,2023 issued by the Secretary of behalf of the 22nd Law Commission of India with further demand to provide a draft of Uniform Civil Code and also demands to give sufficient time for the filling of proper response to all the Indians.

AILC has an opinion that without cultivating an atmosphere of consensus, the Uniform Civil Code may not be workable in India.
Thanks, and Regards
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Advocate Sevvilam Parithi Ramalingam

(Vice President) All India Practising Lawyers Council (AILC)


2ND National Convention



Hon'ble Justice Mr Debasish Kar Gupta
(Former Chief Justice Calcutta High Court)
Justice BG Kolse Patil
Untitled design (44)
Adv KM Ashraf
Untitled design (45)
Adv R. Sevvilam Parithi
Adv Khwaja Jaweed Yusuf
Hon'ble justice Mr BG Kolse patil
Dr Pawan Kumar Arya Advocat
Adv P Chandrashekhar
Adv R. Sevvilam Parithi
Adv Khwaja Jaweed Yusuf
Adv Sharfuddin Ahmad
Adv PK Ibrahim
Adv Santosh Laxman Jadhav
(national secretary)
Adv Bhupendra D. Nishad
Adv Huma Yuns
Adv Raja Mohammad
Adv Santosh Laxman Jadhav
(national secretary)
Adv Bhupendra D. Nishad
(Allahabad, U.P)
Adv. Haider Ali
( Ranchi Jharkhand)
Adv. Lakshmi Raj
(Tamil Nadu)
Untitled design (4)
Adv. Amir Khan
(Patna Bihar)
Adv. Najma Akhtar

Central Committee Name Designation Contact No. Email Id Address
1 Hon’ble Justice Mr. Debasish Kar Gupta President 9836268251 West Bengal
2 Justice Mr. B.G. Kolse Patil Vice-President 9422009434 Maharashtra
3 Adv. Khwaja Jaweed Yusuf Vice-President 8961730081 West Bengal
4 Adv. R. Sevvilam Parithi Vice-President 9486353338 Tamil Nadu
5 Dr. Pawan Kumar Arya Adv. Vice-President 9416875628 Punjab
6 Adv. P. Chandrshekhar Vice President 9447481811 Kerala
7 Adv. Sharfuddin Ahmad Secretary General 8935033183 Uttar Pradesh
8 Adv. P.K. Ibrahim National Treasurer 9447030386 Kerala
9 Adv. Santosh L. Jadhav National Secretary 9579950002 Maharashtra
10 adv. B.D. Nishad National Secretary 9452753509 Uttar Pradesh
11 Adv. Haider Ali National Secretary 9430171739 Jharkhand
12 Adv. Lakshmi Raja National Secretary 9941869603 Tamil Nadu
13 Adv. Mohammad Amir Khan National Secretary 7856023149 Bihar
14 Adv. Najma Akhtar National Secretary 9899494459 Delhi
15 Sr. Adv. H.R.A Chaudhury Member 9435011330 Assam
16 Sr. Adv. Syed Shahid Hasan Member 9829055603 Rajasthan
17 Sr. Adv. Khurshid Alam Member 9431049889 Bihar
18 Sr. Adv. Xavier Felix Member 9444006012 Tamil Nadu
19 Sr. Adv. Abdul Azeem Khan Member 9823027234 Maharashtra
20 Sr. Adv. Rajvindersingh Bains Member 9417012580 Punjab
21 Sr. Adv. Ikramul Bari Member 9331015890 West Bengal
22 Sr. Adv. Rashmi Katyayan Member 9334700265 Jharkhand
23 Sr. Adv. A. Jahangir Badusha Member 7261312973 Tamil Nadu
24 Justice Mr. Abhay Thipsay Member 9892349775 Maharashtra
25 Adv. R.P. Singariya Member 7014423077 Rajasthan
26 Adv. Vijendra Kasana Member 9868525864 Delhi
27 Adv. Irfanul Huda Member 9415365279 Uttar Pradesh
28 Adv. Waizur Rahman Member 9835532927 Jharkhand
29 Adv. Adil Sharfuddin Member 9956792698 Delhi
30 Adv. Azhar Kareem Siddiqui Member 9334770016 Jharkhand
31 Adv. S.M. Ashraf Member 9835055502 Bihar
32 Adv. Gautam Chaudhury Member 7002606556 Assam
33 Adv. Mohammad Rafiq Chauhan Member 9416097234 Haryana
34 Adv. Abdul Mateen Member 9392972959 Andhra Pradesh
35 Adv. M.S. Khalid Member 9392111319 Andhra Pradesh
36 Adv. M.A. Shakeel Member 9849729258 Telangana
37 Adv. M.A. Azim Member 9246529156 Telangana
38 Adv. Abdul Razzaque Member 9448530462 Karnataka
39 Adv. Ajmal Hussain Member 9599671148 Manipur
40 Adv. Vidyadhar Malviya Member 8963994977 Madhya Pradesh
41 Adv Sajida Begum Member 9448654010 Karnataka
42 Adv. Raja Mohammad Member 9043123246 Tamil Nadu

Office Bearers Name Designation Post Contact No. State
1 Hon’ble Justice Mr. Debasish Kar Gupta Former Chief Justice of Calcutta High Court President 9422009434 West Bengal
2 Hon’ble Justice Mr. B.G. Kolse Patil Former Judge, Bombay High Court Vice-President 8961730081 Maharashtra
3 Adv. Khwaja Jaweed Yusuf Calcutta High Court Vice-President 8961730081 West Bengal
4 Dr. Pawan Kumar Arya Punjab & Haryana High Court, Chandigarh Vice-President 9416875628 Punjab
5 Adv. P. Chandrashekhar Kerala High Court Vice-President 9447481811 Kerala
6 Adv. R. Sevvilam Parithi Practice at Coimbatore, Tamilnadu Vice President 9486353338 Tamil Nadu
7 Adv. Sharfuddin Ahmad Allahabad/Delhi Secretary General 8935033183, 8076934048 Delhi
8 Adv. P. K. Ibrahim Kerala High Court National Treasurer 9447030386 Kerala
9 Adv. Santosh Jadhav Practice at Pune National Secretary 9579950002 Maharashtra
10 Adv. Bhupendra Nishad Allahabad High Court. Secretary 9452753509 Uttar Pradesh
11 Adv. Haider Ali Ranchi High Court Secretary 9534122535 Jharkhand
12 Adv. Lakshmi Raja Madras High Court Secretary 9941869603 Tamil Nadu
13 Adv. Amir Khan Practice at Patna Secretary 7856023149 Bihar
14 Adv. Najma Akhtar Practice at Delhi Secretary 9899494459 Delhi

1st Convention Term- 2020-23

Hon'ble Justice Mr. Ravindra Singh
(Former Chief Justice Calcutta High Court)
Hon'ble justice Mr BG Kolse patil
Adv Khwaja Jaweed Yusuf
Untitled design (45)
Adv R. Sevvilam Parithi
Untitled design (44)
Adv KM Ashraf
Adv Sharfuddin Ahmad
Adv Santosh Laxman Jadhav
(national secretary)
Adv Bhupendra D. Nishad
Adv Huma Yuns
Adv Raja Mohammad
Adv PK Ibrahim

Central Committee

1Rtd. Justice Mr. Ravindra Singh22, Sector 2A, NOIDA. Ex-PresidentAdvocate Supr. Court
2Justice Mr. B.G. Kolse Patil SAMATA, Abhimanshree Colony C48, Pashan Road Pune 411008 Maharashtra Vice-PresidentFormer Justice Bombay High Court
3Adv. Khwaja Jaweed Yusuf4-C, North Range, Kolkata – 700017, W.B. Vice-PresidentLegal Practitioner
4Adv. R. Sevvilam ParithiIAL, Lawyers Chamber, 21/1 Bharath Bhavan Road, Mettupalayam-641301 Vice-PresidentLegal Practitioner
5Adv. K.M.AshrafSukorn villa, NAA College road, Manjeri, Kerala – 616122 Vice-PresidentAdvocate
6Adv. Sharfuddin AhmadA-15, Hazrat Nizamuddin West, New Delhi – 110013 General SecretaryLegal Practitioner
7Adv. Santosh JadavPune (Maharashtra) SecretaryLegal Practitioner
8Adv. B.D. Nishad Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh SecretaryLegal Practitioner
9Adv. Huma YunusYunus Campus, S.P. Verma Road, Patna SecretaryHigh Court Patna
10Adv. A. Raja MohamedNo.172, Thambu chetty street, S-1, 2nd Floor, Chennai, TamilnaduMemberLegal Practitioner
11Adv. P.K. IbrahimHouse of Lawyers velamvath Building, Kombara, Market road, Ernakulam, Kochi 18 TreasurerLegal Practitioner
12Adv. Shashank Singh325, 3rd Floor, Angel Mega Mall, Kaushambi – 201010 (NCR) MemberLegal Practitioner
13Adv. Azhar KareemFF/101– Ashok Market, MuradaPur – Patna, Bihar (Legal Edge India) MemberLegal Practitioner
14Adv. Sabarali ChauhanVill – Ramdauli P.O Nagar, tehsil ludri, Kurnool, Haryana MemberLegal Practitioner
15Adv. Haider AliH-12, Rahmath Colony, Doranda, Ranchi-834002 Jharkhand MemberLegal Practitioner
16Adv. K.C. NaseerChunkam, Punnathala Post-676552 Malappuram, Kerala MemberLegal Practitioner
17Adv. Rizwan Ahmad A-15, Nizamuddin West, New Delhi – 110013MemberLegal Practitioner
18Adv. Abdul Majid Khan2nd Floor, KP Complex, Main Road Puttur, Bannur Post, DK, Karnataka MemberLegal Practitioner
19Adv. Jahangir Badhusha31, Bharathi ULA Road Race Course Madurai-2, TamilnaduMemberLegal Practitioner
20Adv. Adil Sharfuddin2/24,Front side Kashmiri park, Jangpura Extn, New Delhi-110014 MemberLegal Practitioner
21Adv. K.P. Mohamad ShareefKerala MemberLegal Practitioner
22Dr. Batul HamidKausar apartments, Near Zaini Masjid, Chhappa Bazar, Surat, Gujarat MemberLaw College Teacher
23Dr. Pawan Kumar Arya Advocate8, BBS, Marg Ambala Cantt. HaryanaMember
24Adv. Khurshid AlamT2,SuriyaTriveni Apartment,New Patliputra, Road, Patna, Pin-800013, BiharMemberHigh Court Patna
25Adv. Abdul Azim KhanNehru Chawk, Anjuman Store. Malegaon, MaharastraMemberH.C, Sessions Court. Nasak/Malegaon
1Rtd. Justice Mr. Ravindra Singh22, Sector 2A, NOIDA. Ex-PresidentAdvocate Supr. Court
2Justice Mr. B.G. Kolse Patil SAMATA, Abhimanshree Colony C48, Pashan Road Pune 411008 Maharashtra Vice-PresidentFormer Justice Bombay High Court
3Adv. Khwaja Jaweed Yusuf4-C, North Range, Kolkata – 700017, W.B. Vice-PresidentLegal Practitioner
4Adv. R. Sevvilam ParithiIAL, Lawyers Chamber, 21/1 Bharath Bhavan Road, Mettupalayam-641301 Vice-PresidentLegal Practitioner
5Adv. K.M.AshrafSukorn villa, NAA College road, Manjeri, Kerala – 616122 Vice-PresidentAdvocate
6Adv. Sharfuddin AhmadA-15, Hazrat Nizamuddin West, New Delhi – 110013 General SecretaryLegal Practitioner
7Adv. Santosh JadavPune (Maharashtra) SecretaryLegal Practitioner
8Adv. B.D. Nishad Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh SecretaryLegal Practitioner
9Adv. Huma YunusYunus Campus, S.P. Verma Road, Patna SecretaryHigh Court Patna
10Adv. P.K. IbrahimHouse of Lawyers velamvath Building, Kombara, Market road, Ernakulam, Kochi 18 TreasurerLegal Practitioner
11Adv. K.P. Mohamad ShareefKerala MemberLegal Practitioner
12Adv. Shashank Singh325, 3rd Floor, Angel Mega Mall, Kaushambi – 201010 (NCR) MemberLegal Practitioner
13Adv. Azhar KareemFF/101– Ashok Market, MuradaPur – Patna, Bihar (Legal Edge India) MemberLegal Practitioner
14Adv. Sabarali ChauhanVill – Ramdauli P.O Nagar, tehsil ludri, Kurnool, Haryana MemberLegal Practitioner
15Adv. Haider AliH-12, Rahmath Colony, Doranda, Ranchi-834002 Jharkhand MemberLegal Practitioner
16Adv. K.C. NaseerChunkam, Punnathala Post-676552 Malappuram, Kerala MemberLegal Practitioner
17Adv. Rizwan Ahmad A-15, Nizamuddin West, New Delhi – 110013MemberLegal Practitioner
18Adv. Abdul Majid Khan2nd Floor, KP Complex, Main Road Puttur, Bannur Post, DK, Karnataka MemberLegal Practitioner
19Adv. Jahangir Badhusha31, Bharathi ULA Road Race Course Madurai-2, TamilnaduMemberLegal Practitioner
20Adv. Adil Sharfuddin2/24,Front side Kashmiri park, Jangpura Extn, New Delhi-110014 MemberLegal Practitioner
21Adv. A. Raja MohamedNo.172, Thambu chetty street, S-1, 2nd Floor, Chennai, TamilnaduMemberLegal Practitioner
22Dr. Batul HamidKausar apartments, Near Zaini Masjid, Chhappa Bazar, Surat, Gujarat MemberLaw College Teacher
23Dr. Pawan Kumar Arya Advocate8, BBS, Marg Ambala Cantt. HaryanaMember
24Adv. Khurshid AlamT2,SuriyaTriveni Apartment,New Patliputra, Road, Patna, Pin-800013, BiharMemberHigh Court Patna
25Adv. Abdul Azim KhanNehru Chawk, Anjuman Store. Malegaon, MaharastraMemberH.C, Sessions Court. Nasak/Malegaon
1Rtd. Justice Mr. Ravindra Singh22, Sector 2A, NOIDA. Ex-PresidentAdvocate Supr. Court
2Justice Mr. B.G. Kolse Patil SAMATA, Abhimanshree Colony C48, Pashan Road Pune 411008 Maharashtra Vice-PresidentFormer Justice Bombay High Court
3Adv. Khwaja Jaweed Yusuf4-C, North Range, Kolkata – 700017, W.B. Vice-PresidentLegal Practitioner
4Adv. R. Sevvilam ParithiIAL, Lawyers Chamber, 21/1 Bharath Bhavan Road, Mettupalayam-641301 Vice-PresidentLegal Practitioner
5Adv. K.M.AshrafSukorn villa, NAA College road, Manjeri, Kerala – 616122 Vice-PresidentAdvocate
6Adv. Sharfuddin AhmadA-15, Hazrat Nizamuddin West, New Delhi – 110013 General SecretaryLegal Practitioner
7Adv. Santosh JadavPune (Maharashtra) SecretaryLegal Practitioner
8Adv. B.D. Nishad Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh SecretaryLegal Practitioner
9Adv. Huma YunusYunus Campus, S.P. Verma Road, Patna SecretaryHigh Court Patna
10Adv. P.K. IbrahimHouse of Lawyers velamvath Building, Kombara, Market road, Ernakulam, Kochi 18 TreasurerLegal Practitioner
11Adv. K.P. Mohamad ShareefKerala MemberLegal Practitioner
12Adv. Shashank Singh325, 3rd Floor, Angel Mega Mall, Kaushambi – 201010 (NCR) MemberLegal Practitioner
13Adv. Azhar KareemFF/101– Ashok Market, MuradaPur – Patna, Bihar (Legal Edge India) MemberLegal Practitioner
14Adv. Sabarali ChauhanVill – Ramdauli P.O Nagar, tehsil ludri, Kurnool, Haryana MemberLegal Practitioner
15Adv. Haider AliH-12, Rahmath Colony, Doranda, Ranchi-834002 Jharkhand MemberLegal Practitioner
16Adv. K.C. NaseerChunkam, Punnathala Post-676552 Malappuram, Kerala MemberLegal Practitioner
17Adv. Rizwan Ahmad A-15, Nizamuddin West, New Delhi – 110013MemberLegal Practitioner
18Adv. Abdul Majid Khan2nd Floor, KP Complex, Main Road Puttur, Bannur Post, DK, Karnataka MemberLegal Practitioner
19Adv. Jahangir Badhusha31, Bharathi ULA Road Race Course Madurai-2, TamilnaduMemberLegal Practitioner
20Adv. Adil Sharfuddin2/24,Front side Kashmiri park, Jangpura Extn, New Delhi-110014 MemberLegal Practitioner
21Adv. A. Raja MohamedNo.172, Thambu chetty street, S-1, 2nd Floor, Chennai, TamilnaduMemberLegal Practitioner
22Dr. Batul HamidKausar apartments, Near Zaini Masjid, Chhappa Bazar, Surat, Gujarat MemberLaw College Teacher
23Dr. Pawan Kumar Arya Advocate8, BBS, Marg Ambala Cantt. HaryanaMember
24Adv. Khurshid AlamT2,SuriyaTriveni Apartment,New Patliputra, Road, Patna, Pin-800013, BiharMemberHigh Court Patna
25Adv. Abdul Azim KhanNehru Chawk, Anjuman Store. Malegaon, MaharastraMemberH.C, Sessions Court. Nasak/Malegaon
Malegaon (Maharashtra)
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Adharpur (Samastipur)
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AILC Brief

AILC is an autonomous, self-help and Pan India Organisation of lawyers. It has been registered in the year 2020 as NGO under the nomenclature of ‘All India Practising Lawyers Council’ in Delhi..

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We, the Members of the All India Practising Lawyers Council (AILC), do affirm our commitment to a sovereign secular, democratic Republic of India
The ReWe, do state that we fully subscribe to justice.

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New Delhi, 8th of February 2020: At the invitation of like-minded practising lawyers a convention was called and ‘All India Lawyers’ council’ (AILC) is formed that held its launching .

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Key-note Address

Dear Colleagues & Friends,
We have here, assembled in a very alarming situation when the foundation of our country, the Constitution of India is under severe attack by the existing government from all the sides..

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Meeting of central committee

Advocate xavier flix for his enormous service to the needed and poor litigants was fecitatd by the Ailc

The AILC Delhi State convention presided over by the National President,Hon'ble Justice Mr Debashish Kar Gupta,former Chief Justice Calcutta High Court hosting Hon'ble Justice Ms Indira Banerjee,the former Justice Supreme Court of India as the Chief Guest was held in the Constitution Club of India on August 19,2023.

The Senior Counsel Adish Agarwala, President Supreme Court Bar Association,

The Vice President,Khwaja Jaweed Yusuf from Kolkata, Senior Counsel Xavier Felix from Chennai and Ekramul Bari from Calcutta High Court and Advocate Vijendra Kumar Kasana from Supreme Court also graced the program and also spoke at the occasion. Adv Rafiq Chauhan from karnal, Haryana also expressed his views

The felicitation of Hon'ble Justice Ms Indira Banerjee and Mr. Ehtesham ul Islam for his regularly social work was performed by the Organising Committee at the function.

The following names of the lawyers of Delhi are declared members of in the AILC Delhi State committee.

The following names of the lawyers of Delhi are declared members of in the AILC Delhi State committe

Advocate Vijendra Kasana

Advocate Sanjay Kumar

Advocate Nasima Khan

Advocate Khairun Nisha Qureshi

Advocate Arshi Hasan

Advocate Shabana Idrisi

Advocate Taslim Arif

Advocate Salman Alam

Advocate Ibrana

Advocate Sonam

Advocate Shahrukh Khan

Adv Harendra Srivastava

Adv. Mohammad Fasih Shahzad Siddiqui

Advocate Noushad Khan

AILC National Conference in India International Centre,Delhi on three Criminal Bills

Release of Term Report (2020 to 2023) on 11 March,2023 at India International Centre,Delhi in presence of the prominent guests including Hon'ble Justice Mr. A. K. Ganguly, Hon'ble Mr.  Justice Mr.Debashis Kar Gupta, Hon'ble Justice Mr Ravindra Singh, Hon'ble Abhay Mahadeo Thipsay , Hon'ble Justice Mr B. G. Kolse Patil, Mr. Wajahat Habibulah,Mr. Wazir Ansari,Dr. P.A. Inamdar, Senior Advocate Mr. HRA Choudhary, Senior Advocate, Syed Shahid Hasan and office bearers of AILC